List of Software Companies in Kestopur, Kolkata

List of Software Companies in Kestopur, Kolkata with contact Details. Check top MNC Software companies in Kestopur, Kolkata.

List of Software Companies in Kestopur, Kolkata :

Magica Labs

Company Name : Magica Labs
Address : Tridev Garden, Kestopur, Kolkata – 700102
City : Kolkata
State : West Bengal
Area : Kestopur
Industry : Software
Website :

Miitech (A venture of Uphar Multicare Pvt Ltd)

Company Name : Miitech (A venture of Uphar Multicare Pvt Ltd)
Address : AC119/1, Prafulla Kanan East, Kestopur, Miitech, 3rd Floor, VIP Road, Kestopur, Kolkata – 700101
City : Kolkata
State : West Bengal
Area : Kestopur
Industry : Software
Website :

Please let us know if you find know any software company located at Kestopur. We will update our List.


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