Jangid Chheda Developers Pvt Ltd. Contact Details (CIN :U45200MH1989PTC052154)

Jangid Chheda Developers Pvt Ltd.

Jangid Chheda Developers Pvt Ltd. is located in RoC-Mumbai at 6, Sarswat, Darsha, S V Rdmalad, Mumbai 400 064 Mumbai 400064 Maharashtra India.

Jangid Chheda Developers Pvt Ltd. is a .It's registered at ROC-RoC-Mumbai on 12 Jun 1989. it's Corporate Identification number (CIN) is U45200MH1989PTC052154 .The current status of the company is ACTIVE

Authorized share capital of the company is Rs.100,000.00 and its paidup capital is Rs..

Jangid Chheda Developers Pvt Ltd. Contact Details:

Company NameJangid Chheda Developers Pvt Ltd.
Corporate Identification Number(CIN) U45200MH1989PTC052154
Reg. Address6, Sarswat, Darsha, S V Rdmalad, Mumbai 400 064 Mumbai 400064 Maharashtra India
Pin Code
Company Type
CategoryCompany limited by Shares
Sub CategoryIndian Non-Government Company
Registration Number
Date of Registration12 Jun 1989
Authorised CapitalRs.100,000.00
Paidup CapitalRs.
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